How do these crazy little bugs (these are true bugs, too) not have a common name?
Flatoidinus punctatus is one of (it feels like, having looked for this guy on bug-guide.net for hours) hundreds of very similar, but not identical, hopping insects in the family Flatidae. Hoppers generally have a strong, pointy proboscis hidden under their weird pointy heads, and the “point” of the heads is really a big muscle that drives the mechanism which allows them to suck phloem from plants through that proboscis. Some hoppers can really damage plants, especially if there are lots of them on one plant, but this particular species seems to be relatively benign.
Many flatid planthopper nymphs produce a white, waxy, (or, what a great opportunity to use the word flocculent!) substance which looks like cotton fluff or candyfloss and conceals the nymphs. Adults can still look a little fuzzy, as you see here.